
Sonderangebote an Apotheken-Preise-Sonder- angebote Sonderangebote an apotheken
Apothekenkarte lettlands Arzt im dienst. medicaid
Suche der Arzneimittel und derer Analogen-PreiseListe der arzneimittel
Impfungsangebote. Preislisten-Preise-Sonder- angebote Impfungsangebote
Geomagnetische Aktivität Geomagnetische aktivität
Warteschlangen für die medizinische UntersuchungListen von Medikamenten kompensiert      E‑Gesundheit      

Über das Projekt iDrugs24.com

The iDrugs24.com website collects and consolidates commonly available, open information about  medicines offerings published by Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Internet pharmacies.

iDrugs24.com, with the help of advanced Internet technologies, summarizes the top deals of the most popular online dietary supplements stores, as well as  internet projects that promotes healthy lifestyle products.

Based on the artificial intelligence and proprietary algorithms, iDrugs24.com aggregates and unifies primary information on available drugs, health and medical products.

iDrugs24.com as a user-oriented and user-friendly website for the convenience of visitors:

- distinguishes especially optimal and special suggestions, forms the lists of cheaper analogues,

- calculates price per unit of the proposed items for convenience of comparisons,

- finds and complements the published prices of medicines or dietary supplements with publicly available, open reference information about the requested drug or remedy,

- site iDrugs24.com for each product automatically updates and makes available in a single concentrated place all the topical hyperlinks to pharmacies and stores webpages where this product is offered,

- at the front side iDrugs24.com re-publishes in accented form, often not very well-known, but especially important for those interested in their medical care HTML hyperlinks to the Internet resources of state services and medical companies,

- iDrugs24.com is a classic third-party sites offers aggregator, that itself does not sell physically anything, but only offers advertisement areas.

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